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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Found Poetry


1. It ain't right
2. If I and
3. 11 other boys like
4. Me
5. Were on the jury
6. We've got a good chance
7. And made it easier
8. Find him
9. Not
10. Guilty
11. You have many more
12. Unfair
13. To go
14.They could
15.Make it right

Thursday, December 4, 2014

TKAM Character Relationships

Characters: Aunt Alexandra and Atticus

Aunt Alexandra and Atticus may not have a whole bunch of similarities but they do have some.  They both are the parental figures to Scout and Jem.  Atticus is the father while Aunt Alexandra appears to take the role of a mother.  This has an impact on Scout because, for a while she has not had a mother.  Now, she has a feminine influence in her life so she will become a "young lady".  One rather obvious similarity is that Atticus and Aunt Alexandra are both of the Finch name.  This would have a better impact on Scout because it wouldn't be like somebody completely random just coming in a taking over the house.  It would be someone they are a bit more familiar with.

On to differences and there are so many to choose from.  One obvious one is that Atticus is much more lenient that Aunt Alexandra.  Scout goes out and plays all day and gets dirty and comes home and Atticus doesn't give it too much care, while Aunt Alexandra gets upset when she comes in dirty.  This would effect Scout because she is not used to getting reprimanded to what she though was a little thing, but now since Aunt Alexandra is in their house, she must act proper.  Another thing that they are different is is their general attitude towards Scout.  Aunt Alexandra would be the foil of Scout.  She seems to bring Scout down many times.  For Example, when Scout come into the house dirty, she is reprimanded. Atticus appears to love his daughter, while Aunt Alexandra may love her, might be a bit too harsh on her, telling Atticus she needs to get under control and other such things.  This is why Atticus is the alter ego of Scout.  He likes to have fun, he is very very spoken, and he seems to know when enough is enough, as Scout is starting to learn.

They both have different relationships with Scout.  Atticus seems to have a very good relations ship with his daughter.  He plays with her in the yard form time to time, reads to her, and gives her some very valuable life lessons and advice.  Aunt Alexandra is a bit of a different story.  She seems to nag Scout more than show affection.  Scout tells us that they do not really have much to talk about whenever they meet.  She scolds/yells at her quite a bit in the chapters that she is present in.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

TKAM Photo Analysis

•Dirt roads
Since there are dirt roads, we can infer that this place is a bit isolated, and a bit out of the way.  We can also assume that the town is a bit poor because it does not have good roads for travel.

•Houses falling apart
As we see in the picture, the house is looking like it will give way any time soon.  We can assume that the people living there are in the lower class because they cannot afford to improve their living conditions, like updating or repairing their house.

•Old street light
When we see the old street light, we can see that the town is not repairing the lights, meaning that they cannot afford it, or they just don't care.

•Telephone poles and wires
We see that these people do have some form of communication, and that makes them a bit less isolated from the world.  

•Dead plants
We can see that they are living in a very hot climate, or they are not receiving much rain and are in the middle of a drought.  This could mean they might not have fresh water, meaning they are in the middle of the country.

This could mean that they are in the middle of a dry season, again, in the middle of a drought possibly

•Trees in background
We can see that there may be a bit of a wooded area behind the house meaning that there could be an abundance of wildlife in the forest.

•Structures are made out of wood, or logs
This could mean that they might not be receiving materials to update their house, or they are poo and cannot afford it.

Rothstein, Arthur. "Home of Frank F. Densmore, near Bessemer, Alabama. Mr. Densmore and Family Will Move to Greenwood, Alabama." Library Of Congress. 1 Feb. 1937. Web. 25 Nov. 2014. <>.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Nightjohn Nov.20

Prompt: Would you recommend this book?

     Yes!  I would definitely recommend this book for various reasons.  The first one is that, this book is very realistic.  This book was based off a real slaves experience as from when they were working on that plantation.  I love that it is close to a first hand account to what really happened because, it helps me get  deeper understanding of how life was like for slaves back in the 1800's.

     The second reason why I would recommend this book is because It gives us more information that you would otherwise not get from reading a history book, like what the masters believed in and what sort of things that some slaves would do to keep morale up.  The master in the book believed that if the slave could walk to the fields, the they could work.  If they didn't do their days work they would get whipped in front of all the slaves to set an example.  One of the ways slaves would keep morale up would be to pay.  The weird thing was, that they would pray into a kettle.  They would do this so they masters would not hear them so that they could continue to pry for days to come.

     The last reason that I would recommend it would be that it puts you into the shoes of a slave.  It uses great imagery s that you can see the picture even when you are reading the words.    It uses great description so that you get the full picture and so that you are never left wondering what happens to this person after a conversation, or what became of this place after this.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What I Have done With My Passion Project

During the previous week I have found a list of reliable websites from NASA, to organization trying to reduce the Greenhouse Effect.  Once I had that list I began to analyze them for evidence that I could use to support my main arguments.  I am almost done with analyzing all my sources.  I have found 10 paragraphs full of information of the effect's and or what is causing CO2 in the atmosphere. (Greenhouse Effect)  

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Pages: Start to finish

Prompt: Analyze the impact word choice has on the meaning or tone of a text.  Analyze how dialogue or specific incidents reveal information about characters. Make sure to include textual evidence.

This week in Social Studies, we have been reading the book named NightJohn.  The book is very graphic at some times, like when they are being punished for example.  It exposed me to some punishments that I was previously unaware of.  One of which was rubbing salt in the wound.  LITERALLY rubbing salt in the gashes and cuts left on a slaves back after a fierce whipping, then leaving the slaves in the open for another period of time.  Some had maggots in the cuts on their back.

Word choice has a big effect on what the story is conveying to us.  In this book, it really puts us in the shoes of the slaves because the narrator, Sarney, is using the southern dialect.  We get to see what sone of the slaves think.  "God and maybe old Clel Waller.  He wants that we should call him "master," and they's some do when he can hear but we call him dog droppings and pig slop and worse things yet."  The word choice really tell us what the slaves think of the Waller.  It also shows us how uneducated they are when she says "they some do"  This shows us that they did not get any education, except how to kind of speak from their "families"

Dialogue and incidents are really big parts in the story.  We learn the true intentions of Nightjohn as Sarney and Mammy talk to him.  This is the conversation between Nighjohn and Mammy.

N: I did
M: You ran until you were clean away?
N: I did
M: And you came back?
N: I did
M: Why?
N: For this
M: What do you mean-this?
N: To teach reading

This conversation that they had told us the kind of person Nightjohn.  He cared about the others, and he really wanted to help slaves.  There was another part in the book, the part when Mmmy was being whipped.  he confessed the teaching people to read.  Since he did confess, he got two of his toes cut off, with a minimal struggle.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Heroes Of Olympus

Prompt: Which character do you like best? Why?

The character I like the most is Percy Jackson.  One of the reasons is probably because the first series pretty much revolved around him and maybe a few other people, but mostly him.  I feel that I have just gotten to be more familiar with his character, like I know more about him because we have been given many books all about him.  Since the author has just introduced a bunch more of main characters, we haven't really gotten to know them as much as we did Percy because the books are split into separate chapters based on who is telling the story or who is where.

I also like him the best because he has the most appealing powers, well, to me anyway.  He can stay under water, for as long as he likes!  I would love to have that because I would always be able to look at the oceans wonders, and not have to worry about dying from lack of air.  The other amazing power he has is the power to control water.  He could use it so many more ways then what he is doing in the book.  What he isn't doing is creating ice spears, or controlling ice projectiles, or pulling water straight out of the air.  To be honest, there are a lot of situations where those things could save his and the others around him lives.  

The last thing I am going to talk about is how much he has gone through.  He has gone through curses, emotional damage, and lethal wounds, and he still feel that he needs to carry on and defeat his enemy or it will continue to hurt people.  I admire him for that because, a lot of people in our time would only look out for themselves, or if they get hurt they will be done with it.  Not him.  He will continue no matter how bad it is.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Book Blog: Blood Of Olympus Oct.29

Prompt: Pretend what you are reading is nominated for a national award. Explain why
you think it should or should not receive an award.

The first thing that comes to mind of why this book should receive an award, is because the story is very original, creative, and fun to read.  The story is creative, so you have never ready anything like it, unless you have read the previous books, but other than that, pretty original.  It is original because, there is nothing you can read that is like this.  It's pretty creative, you have these half gods running around completing strange quests to save the world and their home/camp, and they fight other half gods, or even monsters to get through with their quests.

The book also has a way of making you imagine exactly what the setting is.  This really helps me read the book because, my vision of the setting always stays the same, I won't forget, then have to re imagine a different thing.  The author just does a amazing job describing things, but he is not to verbose when he does it.  He spends about a page or half a page describing one thing, or the setting, and a clear image of what the thing he is describing looks like.

The third thing I would say that would give this book an award, are the characters.  They are just so unique, and don't really change personalities.  Of course, they change their ways a bit as the story progresses, but it is nothing huge.  We also know their backstories, so we know how those
 have shaped them to be the way that they are presently in the book.

My Passion Project

     What I want to do for my passion project is to show people the effects of pollution of cars, and of the people, like throwing trash around where it's not supposed to be, as well as how much air pollution that we add to the atmosphere each year.  This will look like  keynote with interactive text, as well as video and audio to best present and prove my main points.  I think this will take at least 4 weeks to gather all information, videos, and compile them into an effective presentation.

     I want to do this for my project because, if we continue the path we are on, more gas will be trapped in the atmosphere, raising temperatures, causing disasters on a global scale.  I do not want the future generations to be living in a wasteland.  I am looking to achieve people not burning fuels, or things that are not meant to be burned, as well as cutting back on driving places that are in biking or walking distance.

Police Questioning


Dan: Easy, easy Carl. Montresor, do you know why you are here today?

Montresor: No I can’t say I do…

Dan: Well, I am sure you can recall, that this night 50 years ago, your friend Fortunato disappeared.  New evidence recent brought into light has told us that he was seen with you, leaving the party.

Carl:  We though that you might have some answers to some the of the questions that we have.  

Dan: Such as, what were you doing with him on that night?

Montresor: Well, I had some Amontillado that I though he would like to have, so I let him have as much as he pleased.  He later passed out, so I let him spend the night.

Carl: Our witness said that they never saw Fortunato after that.

Montresor: Well, thats because I took him home later that night, and was to hungover to go anywhere for a few days.

Dan: But didn’t you just say thaw he spent the night?

Montresor:  Well… yes but ah…I took him home early in the morning.

Dan: But many of our witnesses say that you never left the house, you or Fortunato.

Montresor: Unbelievable!  I am being accused of my own friends murder!

Carl: We never said it was a murder, just a disappearance.

Dan: Yes, why do you think it was a murder?

Montresor: because…because..I…that night…

Dan: What is it?


Dan: Calm down.  What happened did you kill him?


Carl knocks out Montresor
Carl: That pain must be KILLING you!

Dan: Carl!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Blood Of Olympus 10/22/14

Prompt: Describe a character that you would like to meet (which doesn’t mean that you
think you would like the character, but that you think the character would be
interesting). List 4 questions that you would ask.

The person that I would like to question about the quest that he is going on is Percy Jackson.  The reasons I would like to question him are because he is the REAL leader of the group, he is the son of Poseidon which means that he has awesome water abilities, and he's just amazing with the sword.  Since he has all of these qualities, I would like to interview him because, I think he is my favorite book character of all time.

The first question that I would ask him would have to be "What's it like, being able to go under water as deep and as ling as you want?"  I have always wanted to be able to just go into a body of water, and not have to come up for air, or if the water pressure is too much for me.  He can actually do that, so I would ask him what it's like to be able to have a gift that big.  The second question would have to be "What do you feel like cutting down enemy after enemy with Riptide?"  He has always just been able to keep going and going no matter how many enemies there are, so I always wonder, what he is thinking, o how his body feels.  Does he feel weightless?  Since he is able to kill so many monsters in a little amount of time,  he must.

The third question I would ask him would have to be "Does it get tiring every time you have to control the water?"  He seems to be able to control it at ease, and at one point he even made his own personal hurricane.  He never really shows that he is tiring, but I guess that he can't afford to.  if he does, then that will affect how his comrades will fight.  They might lose morale.  The monster might gain morale if they see him tiring.  The final question I would ask him would be"Could you fight Tarturus if you had to?"  In the previous book, when they were trapped in Tarturus, they were about to escape, when the spirit of which they were trapped appeared.  Percy stood there frozen, scared for his life.  I predict that in this book, he will have to fight him, in order to keep the balance of Olympus, and Tarturus, since he is the worst villain that he has ever faced.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Time Travel

Q: Where would you go?
A: I would go back to the day the President Lincoln was assassinated.

Q:To which year or period would you travel?
A: I would travel back to April 14, 1865

Q: Who would you want to meet or what event would you want to witness?
A:I would like to meet Lincoln or John Wilkes Booth so I could stop the shooting.

Q: Where would you find this person or see this event?
A:I would find them in the Ford's theatre.

Q: Why would you want to meet this person or witness this event?
A:  I would want to meet this person so I could prevent the death of President Lincoln.

Q: How might YOU change history?
A:  I would stop the assassination of one of the greatest presidents of the Unites States.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Character Reflection Blog

Based on your reading for your 40 Book Challenge, your blog post will be centered on direct and indirect characterization. Your focus question should be on how elements of a story interact with one another. For example, how does setting affect character or how does conflict drive character development.

I have noticed that the setting affects how Bilbo Baggins acts and talks.  In his peaceful environment of his home, he speaks very politely, and kindly.  He wishes Gandalf "Good Morning!" and invites him over, a stranger over for tea.  Later in the story, we see his language change, when he is in the goblin caves, we see that he tends to not be as so polite and proper.  He even start to make like "Ha! In your face!"  comments.  An example of this, is just after he finds the ring, and makes it out of the cave invisible.  When he hears the dwarves saying that he is for sure dead and there is no way he could have made it he says "And Here's the burglar!"  He hears them talking about how they accidentally dropped him and that it wasn't their fault that they did, and thats when he shouts that.

Earlier I mentioned that Bilbo was nice a cheery when he was in the setting of his nice, quiet, little hobbit hole.  In the book it says "... if you have a pipe about you, then sit down and have a fill of mine!  There's no hurry, we have the whole day about us!"  As you see, he is very relaxed, and cheery.  This reflects the mood of the setting.  Earlier the book describes the hobbits and the lace they live in as having no magic, or very little at that.  It also says that the hobbits do not like going on adventures.  Seeing that they do not like going on adventures, this must mean that they are a laid back bunch, again, reflecting the mood of the setting.

A bit later in the story, he has an encounter with trolls.  The trolls are threatening to cook and eat him but he then says. "Yes, lots."  said Bilbo, before he remembered not to give his friends away. No, none at all, not one. he said immediately after"  Here we see that he starts to learn loyalty to his friends.  Since he has never had to go on giant expeditions or big quests, he has never felt this, and him being on a quest, starts to learn this.

1st Quarter Reflection Blog

Where are you in your 40 Book Challenge? How have your blogs been progressing since August? What strategies have benefited you? What have you learned about the world? How have your research skills improved?

     Over the span of the first quarter I have improved on various things.  One of which is how I conduct my research.  I have seen that I now find more useful facts about what I am researching, which helps me in other classes like science, and social studies.  I now see that I am putting more of my research in general into my projects, as well as more accurate facts.  You can see that my research skill has improved because of the quantity and quality in all of my research projects this year, compared to the ones I did last year.  

     Throughout the span of the first quarter I have learned much more on the threat of Ebola.  One of the things that I would not have heard about if I were not in this class, was about how Ebola had spread to Ohio.  I enjoy hearing about these things because I find what the Government's choices on how to contain the disease, or more about the disease interesting to learn about.  I would also not have known about the threat of ISIS in the U.S.  The flag in front of the White House, or the ISIS tweets, I wouldn't have known about.  I find i interesting because, I like learning about the government and about global pandemics.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Reflective Blog

Prompt: Reflect on your writing currently to your blog writing from this time last year. What are you noticing? What has progressed? What can you learn from your writing?

One thing I noticed when looking back at my blog's from last year was that, I was less descriptive in writing my posts.  When I looked back, I saw that I might not have described things as best I could have.  Now, I see that I am a bit more descriptive when writing things like summaries, interpreting things, or writing what the setting or character is like.  The thing that has progressed a bit is how clear I am about things.  I used to not be as clear as to what I was writing about.  I also see that I am better identifying what the thing is that I am talking about now.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Hobbit

Pages: 66-95

The first writing style I identified was mood.  Here is one thing that affected how I felt, ""What has it got in it;s pocketses?'  The sound came hissing louder and sharper, and as he looked towards it, to his alarm, Bilbo now saw two small points of light.  Peering at him as suspicion grew in Gollum's mind,"  I think the mood affected me because of a memory I have.  I remember when I was younger and I stole something from my brother, and he was growing suspicious and eventually enraged, I got scared he was gonna kill me (figuratively of course).  I know that Bilbo felt the same except Gollum would have killed him for real.  That helped my understand the situation a bit more.

Another thing I identified was the tone the author had against Gandalf.  The author said "Gandalf! If you have heard only a quarter of what I have heard about him, and I have only heard very little of all there is to hear, you would be prepared for any sort of remarkable tale."  This tells s that the author has high regards for Gandalf.  We know this because he says that if we only know little, we would be ready for the best of stories.

Another thing I noticed was point of view.  The quote I used in the previous paragraph is the one that I noticed to have point of view.  The author is using his high regard for Gandalf, to build up the character.  Since he has done this, we now have a positive feeling about Gandalf.   The way he described him, made us feel positively about him.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Hobbit

Pages read: 43-70
Prompt: List at least three problems the characters faced? Which was the most life changing? Explain

The first and biggest problem for Bilbo Baggins I think was having all the dwarves come to his house and pretty much tell him "You are coming on an adventure"  Now, it was Bilbo's choice if he wanted to come, but the way they were speaking to each other and to him, really pushed him to go with them.  i think this was a big problem because, all the dwarves come waltzing into his house and demand/eat all his food.  The next day all the dwarves are gone, and they expect Bilbo to come with them.  Hobbit's do NOT like adventures one bit.  Even where I am in the book, he sometimes still says that he would rather be home, or why did he leave his comfy little Hobbit hole, either him or the narrator says it.

Another problem they had was they were almost out of food, soaking wet, and nowhere dry to sleep.  They went to bed hungry, soaking wet, and slept on soaking ground.  Later that night, they all got captured by trolls.  They were trying to decide wether to eat the, how they should be cooked etc. all the way until morning.  Gandalf, was keeping them arguing all the way to the morning because, as we all know (we don't), trolls turn to stone in the sunlight.  So they were saved.

Another major problem that they had was, when they were trying to seek refuge from a storm in the mountain,  they found a cave.  When they al finally dozed off, there was a cracking in the wall behind them.  Bilbo was the first to wake up.  He let out a large scream, for what was behind him was a horde of goblins. They captured the dwarves and Bilbo, and dragged them down to their leader.  When they were being questioning them, Gandalf managed to not get captured, he killed the leader and led the company away, while fighting the Goblins.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Hobbit: Literiary Style

Pages: 1-43

In The Hobbit  there are many things that the author describes that you can feel.  You can remember an time where you have had the same feeling.  Here's an example. "They decided in the end that they would have to camp where they were.  They moved to a clump of trees, and though it was drier under them, the win shook the rain off the leaves, and the drip, drip, was most annoying."  I remember a time where I went camping, and it had just rained.  The spot where we set down was a bit drier than most spots, but not by much.  Occasionally the wind would blow and the water would drip on us too.

They also describe a lovely morning in the very beginning.  The sun is shining, Bilbo is sitting out side, and everything is just wonderful.  This remind me about many days this previous summer.  I remember one particular time where there was a nice sunrise, and it wasn't too hot or too cold.  There I was lying in the grass in my back yard.  Well it didn't last too long!  Collin and his friends stormed the backyard with Nerf guns.  Fortunately I already knew they were coming, so I took out mine and shot them all.  Bilbo's morning was ruined by a fateful encounter with Gandalf and his talk of adventures.  My experience helps me imagine his because,well, I have experienced fine mornings being ruined.  Our morning's were both ruined in fact.

Another time where imagery helped my understand the story better is when all the dwarves first show up at his doorstep.  They describe his reaction shocked and confused.  I remember a time when it was Christmas and my whole family was there.  Well there was somebody that wasn't normally there too.  My uncle made a surprise visit from Japan here. We were all surprised.  Just like Bilbo I was shocked.

They use figurative language when they sing "while hammers fell like ringing bells" As you can see, they are using the word "like" which is making a comparison, thus making it a simile..  They compares hammers to ringing bells with the word like.  Other than that, there aren't really examples of figurative language from where I am in the book.  Everything they say is pretty much literal.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Top 10 Books

These are not in any particular order.
-The Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan
These are some of my  favorite books because they have incorporated things from long ago, like gods and monsters, and have been able to put a modern spin to it.  One of my favorite types of books to read are action/adventure.  This is why I love these books so much, because it has all the things I like.  It has myths, monsters, gods, and yes action and adventure.  I like to watch the characters grow as they go on a thrilling adventure.

-The Heroes Of Olympus series by Rick Riordan
The first reason that comes to mind as to why I like this series is that it is a continuation of the Percy Jackson series.  Again, it has a lot of the stuff that I like. Adventure, action, and a whole bunch of new characters.  The story has lots more secrets to the characters and to the plot.  They story revealed many things from the previous series some people didn't even know about.

-Esperanza rising by Pam Munos Ryan
This is a book that Irving's 5th grade class read.  I liked this book because it was telling us of real things, inside a fictional story. It explained how migrant workers did not have the best of conditions during the great depression.  Wages were low, and the on site housing was not good.  The character, Esperanza, and her family spent all day in the fields, with very little pay.  It was a story of tragedy, ad adversity and how she overcame it.

-Walk Two Moons  by Sharon Creech
This book was more of a characters emotional journey.  She finds many things about other people that are connected with her mothers death, and her friends mother disappearing.  I found it interesting how the main character grows as she helps solve her friends problem, and how she hers more about her mom.  By the end of the book, she kind of finds closer about her mom dying.

-The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan
Like Percy Jackson and The Heroes Of Olympus series, this has the adventure, gods, magic, and tons of action and adventure.  I like it because it is similar to the other series that Rick Riordan has written.  They are all kind of the same types of the book.  He also has been making some short story crossovers of the two series, and in both they said if they need any help to call them.  In this last book of Heroes Of Olympus they are in for one huge fight. So, I think that the last book will be a crossover between the two.

-The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
I like this book because it is just fun to read, and has a good story.  I like the story of the tree giving everything to the boy as he grows up.  I think it teaches the people who have read the book to be more giving and less taking.

-The Giver by Lois Lowry
I liked The Giver because it was a book that made me think about our way of living, and how our world is different and better in some ways, and the same and worse in others.  I found it strange that one person had all the memories of everything, and all the others only know what was in his or her time.  There was no such thing as history.  That was what the giver was for.  To hold onto all memory and release it in times of need.

-Rules by Cynthia Lord
This was one of my favorites because I found it easy to read.  In most books I read the words, then that puts an image in your head.  This book, I didn't have to do that.  I just read the words and there was an immediate image in my head.  I liked that because I didn't have to stop in the middle of a page, get an image in my head, than keep reading.  The story seemed realistic so I liked that too.  I thought "Maybe this happened somewhere in real life.

-The Boy Who Dared by Susan Campbell Bartoletti
This book is one of my favorites because it a real event that happened during WWII, which is one of my favorite topics in social studies.  I liked this book because it was a true story about how a boy stood up the the Germans. This was amazing because no one else would, and there he is, a young man.  Even after all the terrible things he heard and saw he still took a stand.

-The Grumpy Bug by Robert Scull
This was probably my favorite boom when I was a little kid.  My uncle always used to read this to me.  I used to think it was hilarious.  The little bug was upset because nobody would play with him.  I forget what happens in the end but no one would play with him because he was grumpy.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Summer Reading-Seven Wonders

Prompt: Describe the similarities and differences between the main character and you.

I am going to be describing the similarities and differences between the character, Jack.

The first thing we have in common is we both kind of have the same relationship with our fathers.  We both have strong relationships with them in a sense of having lots of good times with each other.  However, we both have sometimes where we both strongly dislike our fathers, like when we have a huge argument.  We both think about what our fathers will do if we do something we weren't supposed to do.  That is one similarity.

Another similarity we have is he has this group of friends.  We have people that we normally hang out with and have many grand adventures with.  We talk with these people whenever we get the chance.  We even get into trouble with these people.  They are our brethren.  We share a lot in common with these people, like similar interests and favorite things.  

Here is a difference that we have.  I haven't flown around like a crazy person on a glowing, floating, sphere.  I have however flown a plane, but not a sphere.  You may ask "Nik! What's weong with you? Flying sphere's are the best!"  Well I haven't. SO that is a major difference between the main character, Jack, and me.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Staff Of Serapis-Summer Reading

Prompt: If you could talk to the author, what questions would you ask? Why?

Well my first question would be "What was the reason for you to write this book?"  I would ask this to the author because this book is a crossover from two series he has written.  Another reason is because one of the two series is no longer being written(The Kane Chronicles).  I want to know why he decided to crossover these two series.

My second question would be "Why did you ad a two headed monster with different animal heads?"  I would ask this because it seemed a bit unusual to me.  I was wondering what the true purpose of the monster was.  All it seemed to do was cause them some trouble and lead them to the antagonist. I was also wondering what made the author use a lion and a wolf head stuffed into a crab shell.

My third question is "Why did you write something in between the big story of the Heroes Of  Olympus Series?"  The heroes were preparing for the worst and they had just rescued the leaders, why is Annabeth living a normal life  right then and their?  It makes me feel that there is a huge gap in the time line.  It makes me feel like there is a big pause in the middle of the story.

My fourth question is "Why did Sadie say that she could call on Isis?"  I ask this because after defeating chaos,  the gods had to withdraw from the universe to maintain order.  When Sadie said that she could call on Isis, that was misaligning with the story.  I was kind of confused at that point because it didn't make any sense to me.

My fifth question is " Why did they talk about a villain from "The Kane Chronicles" when the series was over?" It didn't make any sense because they believe that it was the villain Setne that caused all the trouble.  Could this mean that the author is planning on reviving the old series?  Or could this mean the the final book of "The Heroes Of Olympus" also be a crossover?

My sixth question is "Why did Carter neglect to tell Sadie about Percy and Annabeth?''  One would thing the tow worlds of the gods meeting would be important.  The two events both seemed to be linked, so why didn't he tell her.  The amount of sorcery that was needed to create these two events would have to be huge.

Seven Wonders-The Colossus Rises-Summer Reading


Ok, now that I've gotten that out of the way, I am going to summarize my favorite part.  The ending of the first book in "The Seven Wonders" series.  We open in on the main characters, Marco, Cass, Aly, and Jack.  Each of them has been diagnosed with the G7W.  This gives them qualities similar to super humans.  Not much is known on this condition, except that it is very deadly to the people that have it.  The four of them are sent to "The Karai Institute" where they get treatment for their condition.  That is the only thing keeping them alive.  They set off into a deadly expedition into a dark and ominious cave to where the think is a very important object is.  The "Loculus".  At this point in the series we are not sure exactly what this is and what it does.

As the main characters are walking through the labryinth like cave, they come to a large room.  In the center of the room, they find a black sword in a slit in the ground.  Jack is somewhat drawn to it and pulls it out.  He snaps back to his regular self and he puts the sword back.  After wandering around the caves a little while longer they come to the room holding the "Loculus".  There is a sudden tremor and a griffin comes out of nowhere and snatches up the "Loculus" and Cass.  This opens a whole in the roof which they all escape from.  Every bit of security from the Karai Institute comes out shooting the griffin.  The head researcher comes up to Jack and asks him what happened.  He then tells them the black sword was the seal on the griffin and Jack broke it!  

The Griffin flys off into the distance with case and the "Loculus".  All seems lost when the head researcher tells them they had trackers implanted into the four of them, which of course brings up a lot of trust issues.  The griffin has taken case back to Greece and back to where what I think is one of the seven wonders, the Colossus.  The problem is, Cass's tracker is somehow broken and they have no idea where the Colossus is in Greece.  The head researcher tells them that the guardians of the Colossus, they will find Cass.  They search for a while in greece before spotting people in robes.  They suspect these people of being the monks.  They follow them back to a temple where all chaos is breaking loose.

All the monks are running and screaming.  The griffin has built its giant nest right in the middle of the temple.  This nest is filled with holes that Cass could possibly be in.  They see the "Loculus" inside the Griffins mouth.  The lure it inside the cockpit in a truck which gets the griffins head stuck and drops the "Loculus".  They quickly grab the "Loculus" and they run from the Griffin.  They realize that they will never be able to find Cass if the griffin is always looking for a snack.  They realize that the only thing that could fight the Griffin is the Colossus.  They notice the "Loculus" start to glow.  They also see a part of the temple start to glow in unison with the "Loculus"  They all rush to see what the glow is causing the glow.

They see piles upon piles of broken sculptures.  The Colossus is among these broken pieces.  The "Loculus"  takes the form of a torch and all the broken Colossus pieces start to form into the original shape once again.  It grabs jack and decides to bring him along with him.The Colossus and the Griffin engage in a mighty battle.  The Colossus is defeated and the Griffin is very weakened.  The three stab the griffin and it falls into the ocean.  Jack grabs the "Loculus" and G7W activates within Jack.

He stars soaring through the sky, holding on as tight as he can to the "Loculus" to prevent himself from falling.  He picks up his friends and they start to search for Cass.  When they find him, he is all wrapped in a cocoon id griffin spit.  They break of a niece of rock and cut him out.  They all head back the Karai Institute and get Cass his treatment.  In the very last pages they realize that the Loculus is missing.  And so is Marco!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hidden Talents

Prompts:  Summarize what you have just read.

The first thing that I read was that Martin was still getting the tour of the school.  After he finished the tour, he went to his room to get some downtime.  He took a short nap, then along with his friends Torchie, and Cheater, play some sort of card game that they made up.  Cheater strategized  his way to victory and beat Torchie and Martin, in no time flat.  After a few more rounds of Cheater winning, the dinner bell rang loudly.

On their way to the cafeteria they had to pass the hangout of the resident bully, Bloodbath, and his "cronies".  After sneaking past their hangout, they discovered that he was never really there, so the sneaking around was all for nothing.  On their way to the lunchroom Torchie was telling Martin, that on a good day, the food smelled like barf.  Martin soon found out the hard way when they got to the lunchroom.  He got his food and followed Torchie to their table.

When they got there, Martin was introduced to some more kids.  He quickly designated some of the kids as "weird".  I thought that he was one to talk having been expelled from like, seven schools and all.  Then one of Torchie's friends told Martin that it was rude to call people names and made Martin feel pretty guilty.  After that, it seems like they were hiding something because Cheater was about to tell them about their hangout and what they do there, but right before they could, the kid who made Martin feel guilty cut Cheater off before he could finish.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The 40 Book Challenge

The 40 Book Challenge was a good thing to keep your self motivator to keep reading more and more.  It gave me a goal to work at, and to complete that goal, I had to keep reading.  I told myself "If you want it done, you are going to have to read a lot"  Which is good because you have to read to get better at thing in real life.  I think the motivation comes from the the challenge it posed.  I know that I always like a good challenge to keep at.  It makes me feel really happy when I finally overcome that challenge. I think that it was another good way to spend tim rather than to do less constructive things like watching TV or something.

Another great thing about the 40 Book Challenge is that you get to try many new books and see if you like them.  I thought this was great because I found so many books that I thought were really good.  Then what I thought of the last book would want me to read more books!  From reading "The Boy Who Dared"  I discovered I liked historical nonfiction.  I thought the story was very interesting and even more interesting that it actually happened. Overall, I think the 40 book challenge was a excellent thing to keep working at.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hidden Talents

Prompt: Create a wanted poster for the antagonist

Friday, May 2, 2014

Hidden Talents

Prompt:  Does the title fit the story? Why or why not?

So for I don't think the title fits the story.  Nobody has anything that is a secret or any special abilities   I know that they do because my friend gave me the synopsis, but so far, nothing special.  They all have a knack for getting them kicked out of school, after school, after school, after school.  The school called Edgeview is like a last hope for parents, and a "second chance" for students.  It's like the worst school you can be sent to if you can't behave, or keep causing any kind of trouble that the school would consider expulsion worthy.

Well, at least one kid has a "talent" but it's not really hidden.  His name is Philip, but everybody calls him Torchie.  If you haven't guessed, he likes playing with fire.  Except, he has no idea that he causes the fires, or that he is playing with fire.  In literally the first two chapters he sets something on fire again.  He claimed that he didn't do anything, but when they made him turn over his pockets, they were full of lighters.  When the main character, Martin, asks him why he lit the fire,  Torchie says he has no idea what he was talking about, and when Martin questioned him about the lighters, he replied "I just like seeing the sparks"  I don't know if stupidity is a talent, but otherwise he seems like a nice person.  He takes martin under his wing, and shows him around the school.

Let me tell you about Bloodbath.  That's no nickname, that's actually his last name.  He is the school bully,  To everyone there, he is the most intimidating guys they have every seen.  He even controls the mail flow he  has that much power over the school.  Say someone got some cookies from home,  Bloodbath, would get to them first and made sure the cookies would never see the lighof day.  Anything he wants, he gets.  If anything his not so hidden talent would be having people hate him on the first day.