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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

TKAM Photo Analysis

•Dirt roads
Since there are dirt roads, we can infer that this place is a bit isolated, and a bit out of the way.  We can also assume that the town is a bit poor because it does not have good roads for travel.

•Houses falling apart
As we see in the picture, the house is looking like it will give way any time soon.  We can assume that the people living there are in the lower class because they cannot afford to improve their living conditions, like updating or repairing their house.

•Old street light
When we see the old street light, we can see that the town is not repairing the lights, meaning that they cannot afford it, or they just don't care.

•Telephone poles and wires
We see that these people do have some form of communication, and that makes them a bit less isolated from the world.  

•Dead plants
We can see that they are living in a very hot climate, or they are not receiving much rain and are in the middle of a drought.  This could mean they might not have fresh water, meaning they are in the middle of the country.

This could mean that they are in the middle of a dry season, again, in the middle of a drought possibly

•Trees in background
We can see that there may be a bit of a wooded area behind the house meaning that there could be an abundance of wildlife in the forest.

•Structures are made out of wood, or logs
This could mean that they might not be receiving materials to update their house, or they are poo and cannot afford it.

Rothstein, Arthur. "Home of Frank F. Densmore, near Bessemer, Alabama. Mr. Densmore and Family Will Move to Greenwood, Alabama." Library Of Congress. 1 Feb. 1937. Web. 25 Nov. 2014. <>.

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