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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Night 3/26/15

     Personally, this chapter really made me angry.  The people in this story are treated so terribly, I could fell myself getting a little hot under the collar.  In this portion of the book, we see that the people have high times, and low times.  They first arrive at Auschwitz, only to have an evil mad scientist conduct them into lines that decided if your life was extended or not.  Once they are there, they are just removed or anything they have on them; including their hair.  After that they are given cramped quarters to sleep in.

     When they wake up, they do get some food, and that cheers them up quite a bit.  They get regular meals,and at the end of the day they must go through roll call.  This was a way to make sure all the prisoners were all present and accounted for.  Wiesel meets a relative; a cousin.  He does not recognize this person at first, but his son does.  Out of sympathy, his son lies and tells him his cousin's family is alive and well.

     Thought it may not seem it, I like to think that I have a strong sense of justice when it comes to bigger things like this.  This really made me upset because this is the kind of thing that would actually happen at camps.  To know that this actually happened, and that it's not just a story, really gets to me.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Berlin Memorial

I learned that during this time period, not all the laws were established at once.  The laws were established sporadically.  I also learned that the Jews did not only had freedoms taken away from them, they also had things like common necessities and pleasures away.  You can live without the pleasures that life offers, but the Jews could only buy food at certain times and stuff like that.   I think this monument was built to remember all the people who lost their lives to the lack of basic needs, or the people who were just killed in death camps, or killed in their own homes.

I noticed that laws were passed in certain years to avoid suspicion.  Just after the olympics there were so many laws that were past.  Almost none were passed before.  The Nazi probably wanted to slide the new laws in so that the people could get used to them and not protest against them.  I think the restriction about when the Jews could buy their food would be most troubling because, what it they could not buy food at that time?  They would starve until they could buy more food.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Strong, courageous, overpowering, caring
A Character in Matthew J. Kirby's story
Lover of her gurdians, brother, and sister
Who notices the real person within her people, who notices her real self, who notices her true potential
Who feels unimportant, like nothing compared to her siblings, who eventually feels that she is strong
Who learns what it means to be a skald, who learns who she is as a person, who learns how people are on the inside
Who says "Will you stay with me now, my memory, my bird of Odin?"
Who used to think she was insignificant, but now know she is a strong and powerful women.
Major character in  Icefall
A book that tells us the tale of the people of a warring country

Sunday, March 8, 2015

AOW Impressions March 8th

Of course, this week we had some articles that were about ISIS.  Did we really expect anything different?  However, this weeks ISIS topics were a bit different, they were not about the group, rather the people who are going to meet up and join ISIS.  This is a little change of pace because all we really hear about is how they are killing people, or advancing their territory a bit further in the middle east.  This focus allows us to take the people who are being affects by ISIS in a different way into account.

One of the big things that we heard about during this week's gallery walk was about how teenage girls have been fleeing their respective countries to join ISIS militants.  These girls go to join, or get married.  It is not only girls running away to ISIS, it is also boys.  I couldn't imagine that these boys are going to get married into ISIS, so they could only be going there to join up.  All in all, a very disturbing topic indeed.