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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Berlin Memorial

I learned that during this time period, not all the laws were established at once.  The laws were established sporadically.  I also learned that the Jews did not only had freedoms taken away from them, they also had things like common necessities and pleasures away.  You can live without the pleasures that life offers, but the Jews could only buy food at certain times and stuff like that.   I think this monument was built to remember all the people who lost their lives to the lack of basic needs, or the people who were just killed in death camps, or killed in their own homes.

I noticed that laws were passed in certain years to avoid suspicion.  Just after the olympics there were so many laws that were past.  Almost none were passed before.  The Nazi probably wanted to slide the new laws in so that the people could get used to them and not protest against them.  I think the restriction about when the Jews could buy their food would be most troubling because, what it they could not buy food at that time?  They would starve until they could buy more food.

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