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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Nightjohn Nov.20

Prompt: Would you recommend this book?

     Yes!  I would definitely recommend this book for various reasons.  The first one is that, this book is very realistic.  This book was based off a real slaves experience as from when they were working on that plantation.  I love that it is close to a first hand account to what really happened because, it helps me get  deeper understanding of how life was like for slaves back in the 1800's.

     The second reason why I would recommend this book is because It gives us more information that you would otherwise not get from reading a history book, like what the masters believed in and what sort of things that some slaves would do to keep morale up.  The master in the book believed that if the slave could walk to the fields, the they could work.  If they didn't do their days work they would get whipped in front of all the slaves to set an example.  One of the ways slaves would keep morale up would be to pay.  The weird thing was, that they would pray into a kettle.  They would do this so they masters would not hear them so that they could continue to pry for days to come.

     The last reason that I would recommend it would be that it puts you into the shoes of a slave.  It uses great imagery s that you can see the picture even when you are reading the words.    It uses great description so that you get the full picture and so that you are never left wondering what happens to this person after a conversation, or what became of this place after this.


  1. I liked how you persuaded the reader to actually read this book and that you pointed out specific points of the greatness of this book. I enjoyed how you mentioned that the reader would gather more information by reading this book than reading a plain old history book. I agree that by reading historical fiction that focuses on topics such as the Civil War and World War II truly make me understand the topic more than by reading it in a history book. Great Blog Post.

  2. Great blog this week! Although, I'm not so sure about the based off of real experiences. It does portray a lot of slavery life realistically though.
