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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hidden Talents

Prompts:  Summarize what you have just read.

The first thing that I read was that Martin was still getting the tour of the school.  After he finished the tour, he went to his room to get some downtime.  He took a short nap, then along with his friends Torchie, and Cheater, play some sort of card game that they made up.  Cheater strategized  his way to victory and beat Torchie and Martin, in no time flat.  After a few more rounds of Cheater winning, the dinner bell rang loudly.

On their way to the cafeteria they had to pass the hangout of the resident bully, Bloodbath, and his "cronies".  After sneaking past their hangout, they discovered that he was never really there, so the sneaking around was all for nothing.  On their way to the lunchroom Torchie was telling Martin, that on a good day, the food smelled like barf.  Martin soon found out the hard way when they got to the lunchroom.  He got his food and followed Torchie to their table.

When they got there, Martin was introduced to some more kids.  He quickly designated some of the kids as "weird".  I thought that he was one to talk having been expelled from like, seven schools and all.  Then one of Torchie's friends told Martin that it was rude to call people names and made Martin feel pretty guilty.  After that, it seems like they were hiding something because Cheater was about to tell them about their hangout and what they do there, but right before they could, the kid who made Martin feel guilty cut Cheater off before he could finish.

1 comment:

  1. Has there been any 'hidden talents' discovered yet? The bully's name really sounds like he actually is a bully and that there would be blood involved. Are the names of his friends nicknames or are those their real names? Those kids that were seen as "weird", don't seem "weird", but just plain rude to me. Seems like Cheater was trying to make friends with them, but they didn't want to be. Great blog!
