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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Book Blog: Blood Of Olympus Oct.29

Prompt: Pretend what you are reading is nominated for a national award. Explain why
you think it should or should not receive an award.

The first thing that comes to mind of why this book should receive an award, is because the story is very original, creative, and fun to read.  The story is creative, so you have never ready anything like it, unless you have read the previous books, but other than that, pretty original.  It is original because, there is nothing you can read that is like this.  It's pretty creative, you have these half gods running around completing strange quests to save the world and their home/camp, and they fight other half gods, or even monsters to get through with their quests.

The book also has a way of making you imagine exactly what the setting is.  This really helps me read the book because, my vision of the setting always stays the same, I won't forget, then have to re imagine a different thing.  The author just does a amazing job describing things, but he is not to verbose when he does it.  He spends about a page or half a page describing one thing, or the setting, and a clear image of what the thing he is describing looks like.

The third thing I would say that would give this book an award, are the characters.  They are just so unique, and don't really change personalities.  Of course, they change their ways a bit as the story progresses, but it is nothing huge.  We also know their backstories, so we know how those
 have shaped them to be the way that they are presently in the book.


  1. Its been a long time since I read a Percy Jackson book, but I still feel that they should be nominated for a national award. I liked the vocabulary that you used in your writing, it helped create imagery. The other reason I enjoyed your blog was because you mentioned specific reasons why the book should be nominated. I do agree that backstories for characters, does make the storyline more exciting. The backstories seem to shape the mood and tone. Great Blog Post.

  2. Nik,

    Your blog is reaaallllllly good. You were so explicit with the details that I felt as if I could see it form in my mind. Good job!
