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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

As Small As An Elephant

Prompt: What do you think will happen next?
Pages: Start-30

Well, where I left off,  Jack who is the main character awoke to find his mother gone from where he last saw her.  He thought she may have gone outside, but still he could not find her.  He started into town and was about to ask around, but instead he asked where he could find a delicious brand of hot dog.  He started to look at the beach, then decided to go for a swim.  While doing that, he spotted a young buy and he seems to have befriended the boy and it appears they are staying at the same campsite.

So, here is where I left off, and where I start to make assumptions.  Earlier in the book he feared that his mother was in a very bad car crash because the car they were using was also gone.  I think he will see somewhere that there in fact was a car crash and he will do nothing but stay in his tent for a few days, then someone will come looking for him and they will claim to be his father.  It will actually turn out to be his biological father, but Jack will be reluctant to trust him.

After comforting Jack and helping him get over it with a little father son bonding, Jack will start to trust him.  Jack will go back to his fathers house and they will start to live together.  One day, Jack starts to get a suspicion that his father may not be telling him the whole truth.  That's when Jack starts to do some investigating and uncover that his father actually killed his mother.  Though accidental, Jack is still really mad.


  1. Good blog! I like the details you used to explain your prompt. I also like the photo you provided. Good job!

  2. I read this book, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! I like how you wrote your blog in full detail. Do you think that Jack did the right thing not mentioning that he was alone?

  3. I commented on Nadrian, Steven, and Stanley
