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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

As Small As An Elephant

Pages: 77-120
Prompt:What was going through your mind as you read?

What was going through my mind as I read?  Well here was my general thought *Ahem* "Oh my god dude!  Why would you do that!  Are you really that stupid?"  He makes all these stupid moves like breaking things, lying, and stealing.  And all in the same town! "Are you kidding me?!  You are one step away from being caught!"

One of these moments was when he totally was an idiot and broke his phone.  He was going for a swim with the family he had just met, and he forgot his phone was in his pocket.  He was in the water fot at LEAST half an hour.  So then when he got out and went to the bathroom to try and call his mom, he discovered the truth about where his phone was.  In.  His.  Pocket.  Jack started to panic and then he remembered how there was a little tag on the back that would tell him if the battery could be saved.  Red means bad.  That's just what he got.  The battery was gone.

Another stupid moment was when he started to pick a bunch of vegetables when a woman was hanging up her clothes.  He even started eating it right in front of her.  He started eating right in front of her to.  He even started lying about what he was doing when she caught him.  He said he was training, and when the lady gave him a chance for food after he was done delivering food to the food pantry, he thought of eating it all for himself.


  1. Nice blog. I like how you put your own thoughts. It helps me understand the book if I know what the reader is thinking while he is reading.

  2. Your blog this week was very humorous! I can relate to this blog post. Sometimes when I am reading a book and then something very unexpected and disappointing happens I just want to throw the book arose the room. But I calm myself because that would be considered book abuse. You know me, BOOKWORM HERE! Ok well anyways, I liked your blog post good job!
