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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

TKAM Photo Analysis

•Dirt roads
Since there are dirt roads, we can infer that this place is a bit isolated, and a bit out of the way.  We can also assume that the town is a bit poor because it does not have good roads for travel.

•Houses falling apart
As we see in the picture, the house is looking like it will give way any time soon.  We can assume that the people living there are in the lower class because they cannot afford to improve their living conditions, like updating or repairing their house.

•Old street light
When we see the old street light, we can see that the town is not repairing the lights, meaning that they cannot afford it, or they just don't care.

•Telephone poles and wires
We see that these people do have some form of communication, and that makes them a bit less isolated from the world.  

•Dead plants
We can see that they are living in a very hot climate, or they are not receiving much rain and are in the middle of a drought.  This could mean they might not have fresh water, meaning they are in the middle of the country.

This could mean that they are in the middle of a dry season, again, in the middle of a drought possibly

•Trees in background
We can see that there may be a bit of a wooded area behind the house meaning that there could be an abundance of wildlife in the forest.

•Structures are made out of wood, or logs
This could mean that they might not be receiving materials to update their house, or they are poo and cannot afford it.

Rothstein, Arthur. "Home of Frank F. Densmore, near Bessemer, Alabama. Mr. Densmore and Family Will Move to Greenwood, Alabama." Library Of Congress. 1 Feb. 1937. Web. 25 Nov. 2014. <>.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Nightjohn Nov.20

Prompt: Would you recommend this book?

     Yes!  I would definitely recommend this book for various reasons.  The first one is that, this book is very realistic.  This book was based off a real slaves experience as from when they were working on that plantation.  I love that it is close to a first hand account to what really happened because, it helps me get  deeper understanding of how life was like for slaves back in the 1800's.

     The second reason why I would recommend this book is because It gives us more information that you would otherwise not get from reading a history book, like what the masters believed in and what sort of things that some slaves would do to keep morale up.  The master in the book believed that if the slave could walk to the fields, the they could work.  If they didn't do their days work they would get whipped in front of all the slaves to set an example.  One of the ways slaves would keep morale up would be to pay.  The weird thing was, that they would pray into a kettle.  They would do this so they masters would not hear them so that they could continue to pry for days to come.

     The last reason that I would recommend it would be that it puts you into the shoes of a slave.  It uses great imagery s that you can see the picture even when you are reading the words.    It uses great description so that you get the full picture and so that you are never left wondering what happens to this person after a conversation, or what became of this place after this.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What I Have done With My Passion Project

During the previous week I have found a list of reliable websites from NASA, to organization trying to reduce the Greenhouse Effect.  Once I had that list I began to analyze them for evidence that I could use to support my main arguments.  I am almost done with analyzing all my sources.  I have found 10 paragraphs full of information of the effect's and or what is causing CO2 in the atmosphere. (Greenhouse Effect)  

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Pages: Start to finish

Prompt: Analyze the impact word choice has on the meaning or tone of a text.  Analyze how dialogue or specific incidents reveal information about characters. Make sure to include textual evidence.

This week in Social Studies, we have been reading the book named NightJohn.  The book is very graphic at some times, like when they are being punished for example.  It exposed me to some punishments that I was previously unaware of.  One of which was rubbing salt in the wound.  LITERALLY rubbing salt in the gashes and cuts left on a slaves back after a fierce whipping, then leaving the slaves in the open for another period of time.  Some had maggots in the cuts on their back.

Word choice has a big effect on what the story is conveying to us.  In this book, it really puts us in the shoes of the slaves because the narrator, Sarney, is using the southern dialect.  We get to see what sone of the slaves think.  "God and maybe old Clel Waller.  He wants that we should call him "master," and they's some do when he can hear but we call him dog droppings and pig slop and worse things yet."  The word choice really tell us what the slaves think of the Waller.  It also shows us how uneducated they are when she says "they some do"  This shows us that they did not get any education, except how to kind of speak from their "families"

Dialogue and incidents are really big parts in the story.  We learn the true intentions of Nightjohn as Sarney and Mammy talk to him.  This is the conversation between Nighjohn and Mammy.

N: I did
M: You ran until you were clean away?
N: I did
M: And you came back?
N: I did
M: Why?
N: For this
M: What do you mean-this?
N: To teach reading

This conversation that they had told us the kind of person Nightjohn.  He cared about the others, and he really wanted to help slaves.  There was another part in the book, the part when Mmmy was being whipped.  he confessed the teaching people to read.  Since he did confess, he got two of his toes cut off, with a minimal struggle.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Heroes Of Olympus

Prompt: Which character do you like best? Why?

The character I like the most is Percy Jackson.  One of the reasons is probably because the first series pretty much revolved around him and maybe a few other people, but mostly him.  I feel that I have just gotten to be more familiar with his character, like I know more about him because we have been given many books all about him.  Since the author has just introduced a bunch more of main characters, we haven't really gotten to know them as much as we did Percy because the books are split into separate chapters based on who is telling the story or who is where.

I also like him the best because he has the most appealing powers, well, to me anyway.  He can stay under water, for as long as he likes!  I would love to have that because I would always be able to look at the oceans wonders, and not have to worry about dying from lack of air.  The other amazing power he has is the power to control water.  He could use it so many more ways then what he is doing in the book.  What he isn't doing is creating ice spears, or controlling ice projectiles, or pulling water straight out of the air.  To be honest, there are a lot of situations where those things could save his and the others around him lives.  

The last thing I am going to talk about is how much he has gone through.  He has gone through curses, emotional damage, and lethal wounds, and he still feel that he needs to carry on and defeat his enemy or it will continue to hurt people.  I admire him for that because, a lot of people in our time would only look out for themselves, or if they get hurt they will be done with it.  Not him.  He will continue no matter how bad it is.