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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Boy Who Dared

Pages 0-31
Prompt: Are the characters realistic (do they seem like they could be read people)? Why

or why not?

I think Helmuth is a very realistic character.  Partly because the book is based on a true story.  Other than that, he is realistic because he acts like a person who sits there and lets things happen to him from what I have read so far. He doesn't seem to mind what other people say.  I know we have people like that in our world today.  Those people let the world change around them.  

In the first couple pages they started talking about how Hitler would bring war.   Helmuth wonders why people could dislike a man willing to fight fro the betterment of Germany.  I would wondering the same things if I knew nothing about Hitler, I would have said the same thing.  If we had someone willing to fight for the betterment of the U.S. then I would say the same thing.  Unless he is a lunatic like Hitler.  I don't think he knows  anything about Hitler except that he was running for chancellor.  

The last thing why I think he is realistic is because he has two older brothers that are allowed to do things he can't.  I know this sounds weird but I have many experiences like this.  For instance my uncles can go do things I can't do.  I always hated that like he did.  now since I am older I can do more things with them.  When Helmuth gets older I think he will do more things with his brothers.


  1. I Have read this book! It is so good and I know that you will love it. You explained really well, and your prompt helped me understand what you were trying to say. Great Job!

  2. I also have read this book and it's really good. I do agree with you that the characters are realistic. I liked how you described the things going on with Helmuth and the situation with Hitler. Great blog post!

  3. Around the age of eleven the interest for any WWII related books had sparked inside of me. The first book I ever read based on WWII was called, Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow. At the very end you can find a picture of Helmuth with his friends. I had already previously read The Boy Who Dared, when I made the connection I was in shock. I do suggest you read Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow, it's actually non-fiction though.

  4. I know that a lot of people read this book last year and I wanted to read it but I didn't. I like how you told your opinion and how you talked about the characters. Great job!
