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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Last Olympian:Week of 9/30/13

Pages 300-375

• Prompt: Describe a character that you would like to meet (which doesn’t mean that you
think you would like the character, but that you think the character would be
interesting). List 4 questions that you would ask.

In the book Percy Jackson: Last Olympian.  I would like to ask questions to the character Percy Jackson.  I would like to question this character because he is my favorite character in the book. He is probably my favorite character of all time of all time so far. One question I would ask him would be "What is it like fighting all the monsters you fight on your quest's?".  I would ask this because he has fought a lot of monsters on all of his quest so he would probably give me the best answer   Another question would be  "What quest was your favorite to go on?".  I would ask this because he went on several that he may have liked beside the fact he almost gets killed in all of them.

I would have a few more questions to ask Percy Jackson.  Another question I would as would be "What was it like to be swimming in the River Styx?"  I would ask this question because when he was about to fight probably most important of his life because it would decide the fate of the world.  Another question I would ask would be "What was it like to see all of Manhattan asleep?".  I would ask this because if everybody in a major city was asleep, I would freak out.  Another question i would have would have to be "How do you survive all the fights with the monsters?".  This is a question i would ask because he fights monsters that almost kill him lots of times.

I have a few final questions I would want to ask Percy Jackson.  One of wich is "Which monster was the hardest for you to kill?".  I wanted to ask this because  when he fights monsters he almost dies frequently.  Another question that I would need to ask is "What is your favorite part of being the son of the sea god Poseidon?".  I would ask this because I love to go to the ocean and dive down to the bottom, but then i run out of air so I need to come up for more.  The last question I would ask would be "How cool is it to breathe underwater and never have to come up for air?".  I would ask that question because that is something I have always wanted to do.