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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Blog Post 10/16/13

Prompt: "Why did you choose this to read? Give at least 3 reasons."
House of Hades


The first reason that I picked this book to read is that I have been waiting for this book to come out since last fall.  I have ben waiting for so long because it is the next book in my favorite series since the third grade.  I was so excited the day before it came out I literally waited on the couch for it to arrive.  Me and my friend were so mad when the author left the main characters in a cliff hanger, we were still getting over it two months after we both finished the book.  After we had gotten over it, we could only think about what would happen next.

The next reason that I wanted this book is that I have been reading the authors book for five years and all of his books that he has published since his first book came out.  I love the way he writes his books and how he described all of the characters and their situations good or bad.  Many times he gives the characters a bad situation and tells EXACTY how they defeat or get out of the situation.  Unlike some other authors, he knows where to leave the characters.

The last reason that I will put down today is that he keeps the characters to their traits no matter what.  He always knows what they need to act like and how they will react to the actions of the others actions.  I like that he does that because it helps me remember what each character is like if i have to remember what they are like if I am taking a test on what I read.  Another reason I like this is because it helps me make inferences on what the character might do next.

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