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Friday, November 15, 2013

Magic Tree House

Prompt: Summarize
Pages 0-84

When it first started Jack and his sister Annie  were sitting on their front porch.  When a particular white rabbit hopped past their house and into the woods.  The thing is, white animals going into the woods, mean that their magical tree house that can take them anywhere and any when is back in the woods.  They both sprinted towards the tallest oak tree which held their magical tree house.  When they climbed the rope ladder they saw a familiar face that created the tree house.  Their friend from the mythical Camelot, Morgan LeFey.  She had yet another mission for them to take on.

Their next mission would take place in India.  As their mission were usually dangerous, she gave them a research book that provided them facts and tips as they would need them.  Once they were ready to go, all they had to do was point to the book and wished to go to that place.  As soon they arrived they noticed that their clothes had changed to the native Indian clothes.  Their mission was to retrieve a rose made of rubies for the betterment of Camelot.  When they got there they started to head toward their target location, which happened to be a royal party at the Taj Mahal.

When they got there they went looking for the rose's holder, the king.  All the Ambassadors from many countries were there from all over the world.  When they found the king, he was speaking to many Ambassadors.  When  Jack and Annie started to approach him, a few men stopped them.  They asked why Annie was there because she was a girl.  When Jack explained that she and him were ALSO ambassadors and that they were here on the king's request, they let them pass.


  1. I really like how you described your book. Your book is a series right? I think it would be really cool to visit India like the kids in your story. This book seems like a very interesting book, I think I might give it a try.

  2. I thought you summarized your book well. I remember when I was in first grade, my teacher read all the books from one to 28. They were very entertaining to listen to. I have never read these one though.
